Night Time Routine The Fertility and IVF world call this “STIMS” This is the process where you are now stimulating your ovaries. This is how I think of it: you are taking your normal size ovaries (almond size) and growing them to the size of oranges. In a normal cycle, you produce ONE egg each month! Well thanks to stimulation you start producing WAY more than one egg, and yes you can feel it!! A lot of girls describe it as a fluttery feeling in their stomach. During the stimulation phase, you visit the doctors frequently, they do blood work and ultrasounds to check your follicles. This is important because it lets you know if your body is or isn't responding to the medications. All my needles for the week! Monday - We started injections- George is a master at this, thank gosh because I did not want to give myself shots!! I started with Gonal and Menopur, both are stimulation medications. The shots are done in the stomach and don’t hurt too bad- little sting an...